What is the difference between the NBEE and the NBEE H?

What is the difference between the NBEE and the NBEE H?

Mian difference:

Molding volume
192 x 120 x 180 mm
192 x 120 x 380 mm
UNIZ Dental
UNIZ Industry
Application fields
Dentistry, jewelry

The NBEE and NBEE H use the same Low Force Stereolithography (LFS) technology to reduce peel forces and improve the surface finish of printed parts. While the NBEE can be used for a variety of industries and applications, especially for dental industry. The NBEE H is intended to be used primarily in the industry level of ultra-large printing scale like printing footwear.

The NBEE is a general-purpose machine with a wide variety of compatible materials that touch upon the manufacturing, rapid prototyping, jewelry, design, and engineering industries as well as a wide range of dental applications including dental models, surgical guides, splints, occlusal guards, and digital dentures. The NBEE H includes that same functionality as well as printing ultra-large scale models like footwear.

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